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IOTA AS-127 & AS-140

Article updated Aug 10:
NOW our web-site for Bangladesh operations are open.

”A team of G3KHZ/Derek,SM6CVX/Hans,DL6KVA/Axel,G4EDG/Steve,
S21ED/Tuhin and S21TV/Anup  will be QRV from AS-127  and AS-140 in Bangladesh.

Operations starts around 13th of October and goes on until around
27th of October.

Activety on 40 to 15 meters will be used. Vertical dipoles for each band.
Its an IOTA-expedition and CW and SSB will be used.

QSL for AS-127 goes to SM6CVX and for AS-140 to G3KHZ.
QSL only via buro or direct as information on qrz.com.

Additional information will be on our web.site that will be opened
in a few days.”


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