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SM6CVX på 6 meter

Hasse SM6CVX har haft stora framgångar på 6 meter. Hasse berättade att han nu hade haft förbindelse med 10 nya länder i år.  Det är ett magiskt band som kräver  tålamod och många timmars bevakning. Plötsligt kan bandet öppna upp och då gäller det att vara aktiv. 9M6XRO är den senaste rariteten som hamnat i loggen. Efter kontakten erhöll Hasse ett mail från John. Läs nedan:


>> Morning Hans
>> Good to hear from you – especially on 6m! You were also a new one for me
>> and actually my first QSO into Scandinavia on the band. You were only
>> #53  worked since I moved here 8 years ago as there are not many
>> countries available nearby on 6m. Even JA is around 4000-5000 km away
>> and with the vast Pacific Ocean to the East there is not much available
>> from that direction! DU1GM and DU7/PA0HIP are very active on the magic
>> band but the last time there was an opening to Scandinavia for them I
>> could not hear anything, not even the DU’s, such is the ”spotlight”
>> propagation during openings. After I worked you I also got OG2M and
>> LY2IJ for new ones. I had a lot of QRM from YO4AUL who was calling
>> ”blind” on my freq – I answered him at least ten times but he did not
>> come back and then started calling CQ on the freq….it is too bad when
>> you wait so long for a good opening then someone can spoil it for
>> everyone.
>> It is always good to work you guys on your P29 trips and pick up some
>> new IOTA’s. Seems like you always have some great experiences and a lot
>> of fun. Since last year I took part in the ZL9HR DXpedition and a couple
>> of nice Spratly operations as 9M4SLL. I am joining up with 4 others in
>> Auckland for a ”Samoa Trip” this November – both American Samoa/KH8 (as
>> W8A then N8A in CQWW) followed by a few days in Samoa as 5W8A.
>> Probably you have seen on the TV news about the ”haze” situation in
>> Singapore. Unfortunately we have the same problem here at present and it
>> looks really horrible outside. All the nice mountain views are gone. It
>> is rather depressing so I hope some good 6m propagation will improve the
>> mood!
>> 73 – all the best – John – 9M6XRO



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